Wednesday 16 November 2016


Arvada Residential Locksmith

How do you best protect your Arvada, CO home from perils of all kinds? There are many ways and in this post we’ll show you some of the best and most cost effective ones! Our goal is NOT to scare you but to educate you so that you have a better grasp of your options.

We’ve all heard the story of the guy that comes home only to find a drunken intruder passed out on his couch. Of course the vagrant has made and eaten a sandwich and even played video games before losing consciousness. The story stops being amusing when it happens to you! Every year, burglars, homeless people and vagrants enter homes uninvited and with the rise in residential crime, actual home invasions and the need for drug money has escalated to the point where people want better security to protect their homes and loved ones.


Sure, if you want a pet! Dogs are meant to be companions and are NOT automatic home protectors. In fact, many dogs are so friendly and eager to interact with someone that they will be happy to see someone come through the door. Keeping a dog in the backyard as an automatic home protector is not fair to the dog and not a good choice for home security system. Ignoring a dog like that will not endear it to you and it certainly won’t want to protect your premises. Besides, there are better and smarter ways to secure your Arvada, CO property and here are a few.


Whether you live in a small condo or a large luxury home, you’ll want to take measures to ensure that your residence is less likely to be victim to unwanted intruders. Consider these simple and affordable options:

Deadbolts – A good sturdy and well-installed front door deadbolt can be a huge deterrent for a would-be burglar. Not only do they add a second line of defense to your home but they can buy you needed time to call for help. Robbers want easy access to your property. They want to “enter and go” as fast as possible. Once getting past your door lock they DON’T want to have to now bypass a solid deadbolt before helping themselves to your property. In most cases, they’ll give up or move on quickly.

Lock Doors! – The old days of leaving front and back doors unlocked are over! You may be best friends with your neighbors and live in a safe(r) neighborhood but all too often a burglar simply walks right into a home because the door was left ajar or unlocked completely. Even something as innocent as walking to the mailbox or working in the garage and leaving the garage door open can result in problems if a crook happens to notice or is targeting your property. Don’t be paranoid but simply use common sense and if you have children or guests, be sure to have them use caution too.

Trim hedges – What does your yard landscaping have to do with residential security? A lot, actually! Over grown hedges, bushes and trees can be hiding places for burglars, perverts and other crooks. Not only can they jump out at you when the occasion arises, they can observe your comings and goings as well as your activity inside the home if your drapes and blinds are not closed or even installed as in brand new homes. You don’t have to pave your grounds and turn your property into a parking lot; just nicely trim bushes, hedges, trees and other landscaping so that it makes hiding prowlers harder to achieve.

Arvada Lock Installation


Having a home alarm service is generally a good idea. The best services will be monitored in case the alarm is tripped and if you shop around carefully, you can get a good deal on installation, activation and monitoring.

If your home is new or doesn’t have an alarm system be sure to do your homework by checking online and making phone calls. Understand that not all reviews will be good ones as people can have bad experiences for many reasons but overall look for reliability of the system and fast response times by the alarm service. Many homes have alarm service but it may need activation or repair work and by calling your local residential locksmith service you can save money over outright installation and re-wiring by the alarm company itself. Here at Locksmith Arvada Co we offer help with alarm service so be sure to call us anytime for a free consultation and for free, no obligation price quotes.


Getting high security locks at home is not only smart, it is affordable and can add tremendous peace of mind to your already hectic life. Standard door locks are usually cheaper and will not hold up to lock bumping, lock picking, or hammer smashing. They are usually made of tin and other inexpensive materials and are easily bypassed. On the other hand a high security lock is much sturdier and made of solid brass. They can’t be bumped open, picked open or even smashed open with a hammer or crow bar. They are not expensive and any good Arvada, CO residential locksmith shop will be able to help you select the right ones for your needs.


Another affordable and high tech way to secure your home and grounds is with CCTV surveillance including remote access viewing and cameras. This can be as simple or as complex as you like. With smart technology you can even run your bathwater or brew a pot of coffee from your smart phone while at work! If all the little extras like that are not important to you, you can still monitor activity at your home with this technology. From watching your children or pets play to being alerted when anyone enters your property, CCTV surveillance can be a useful tool in keeping your home safe from perils of all kinds. Be sure to call our Locksmith Arvada CO shop for additional details on any of the above!