Saturday 28 July 2018

How to Deep Clean Your Home in Six Minutes a Day


The clever way to deep clean your home! Get a sparkly clean home in just 6 minutes a day and never lose an entire week to cleaning your home again!

You know what I love even more than a home that looks clean all the time? A home that actually is clean all the time! I really love the idea of giving my home a thorough deep clean, organizing every nook and cranny, and having things just right for my family. And I’d like it to be like that always, if possible. 🙂 If you think about how most homes with families living in them are, then you know that you’d probably need to spend at least one week out of every month doing a “spring cleaning” style cleaning to keep that up. Who has time for that? I know I can’t just give up a whole week of my life, really ever, to dedicate to cleaning. But I just love a good deep clean!

So here’s what I do instead!

I’ve always been a fan of tackling big projects a little bit at a time, because I just hate to give up a whole day and let all of my carefully crafted routines get out of whack. When you have a big project to tackle, whether it’s organizing the basement, or cleaning up your yard, I find that doing just a few minutes of focussed work each day is so much more effective than wasting a whole week on it. And it works if you want to deep clean your house too!

I know we always think of deep cleaning as the kind of thing where you tear your whole house apart, but it really doesn’t need to be that way. Actually, when you do the “let’s clean this whole house all in one shot” method, you actually waste a lot of time and you’re much more inefficient because you get tired. Or bored. Or distracted. It’s just the way things work! But anyone can find a few minutes to focus on something and get real results. Here’s how I do it!

Have a List

Having a list written down somewhere of tasks you’d like to accomplish goes such a long long way in helping you stay focussed and really get stuff done when you’re working with such a small amount of time. If you’re a big planner, spend a few minutes writing down a simple task for each day to deep clean your home.

If you like to go with the flow a little bit more, just keep a running list somewhere. I use the notepad in my phone usually, that way I can just write something down when I think of it. I’m a big fan of planning but for this stage in my life, the more free-form method of just having a list in my phone makes more sense because I don’t have to mess up my whole system when something goes awry and I miss a day. I just pick back up the next day, right where I left off. Starting out with a list when you want to deep clean your home sounds so ridiculously obviously and simplistic, I know, but it’s a key part of keeping yourself organized for this whole 6 minute deep clean process and it’s also something a lot of people seem to skip.

Set a Timer

If you’re going to be accomplishing big things in a teeny-weeny amount of time, you’re going to need to keep track of those minutes and seconds really well. Luckily, a lot of us carry around a timer in our pocket all day long on our phone without even realizing it. The timer on your phone is the perfect tool for this because you can adjust the volume and change the sound effect to suit whatever mood you might be in when you’re deep cleaning your home. So when you have your one task decided upon, and you have your tools at hand, and you have your phone with you, go ahead and set your timer for 5 minutes. That’s right, I said 5 minutes, not 6.

The reason for the extra minute is to give you a little bit of breathing room. When your timer goes off at 5 minutes, you may just find that you’re almost-but-not-quite done a job. That extra minute gives you a chance to complete the job without having to consider yourself having “failed” at getting it done in time. The extra boost from that feeling of crushing a task in your goal time will give you a great feeling of accomplishment and a boost of motivation for starting on your next task the next day!

There will be other times where you accomplish your task in much much less time than 5 minutes. You may think it’s crazy for me to say that you’ll be able to tackle your most dreaded tasks in that little time, but it happens to me constantly! Just a few minutes ago, I set a timer for 5 minutes and set out to clean out a really messy drawer that had been bugging me for weeks. Less than two minutes later, I was done and I was able to look around and see what else I could do for the remaining 3 minutes of my 5 minute timer. Then I had one more minute to do even more! It’s little moments like this that can really change how you feel about cleaning your home.

Use Great Tools for Efficiency

Having great tools to deep clean your home can make all the difference. It’s not just about how clean they’ll make your home look, it’s also about how you’ll feel when you use them. Using tools that get the job done well can actually be fun and this will motivate you to feel like “Yes! I can DO this!” every time you go to tackle a deep clean task.

I use e-cloth cleaning tools because they just work, every single time. You’ve heard me talk about this many times before, but I just love how they clean perfectly with just water so you can just dampen whichever specially-designed cloth or tool you’re using for your specific task and go to town! All of the tools are uniquely designed for specific cleaning tasks around the house and they really do make tough cleaning jobs easier and more fun.

Break Up Bigger Tasks in to Bite Size Pieces

So what if you have a task you’d like to do that takes longer than 6 minutes? Just break it up into smaller chunks! We all know that we can do this with large tasks at work or even home improvement projects, but for some reason, when we think about deep cleaning, we think that we need to do everything all in one shot. If you have a something like house full of dusty, marked up baseboards that need to be cleaned, feel free to just tackle it for a few minutes each day instead of working on it for hours at a time.

It will still get done and you won’t feel like you’ve wasted your whole day just to get your home looking semi-acceptable. I love to use my e-cloth general cleaning cloth when I have really built-up grime that I need to tackle. One or two cloths is usually perfect for tackling about 5-6 minutes worth of mess and when I’m done, I toss them in the wash and they’re ready to go again the next day!

Do it Every Day

This is the key, of course! Just 6 minutes of cleaning isn’t going to deep clean your house but you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish if you do 6 minutes every day!

What Kind of Tasks to Add to Your List

So what kinds of tasks should you be adding to your deep clean list? What kind of task counts as a deep clean task instead of just a regular ol’ everyday cleaning task? Well, think of these tasks as the ones you’d do maybe one to ten times a year, not the type of thing you’d like to get to once every few days. Save this time for the real heavy-hitters and you’ll start to notice real progress and get that feeling of having a home that really is clean, not just a home that looks clean.

I have a few really thorough lists in my book The Cleaning Ninja, so definitely make use of those if you have a copy of that. If you’d like to just start making your own, think of things like those really inconvenient high-dusting jobs that can sometimes get left for years because they just seem so inconvenient. Chances are, those will actually take you less than 6 minutes if you have something like this handy dandy 2 in 1 Extendable Duster.

Also think about adding things like cleaning the oven, cleaning upholstery, washing windows, and cleaning glass light fixtures.

Deep Clean the Oven

I think cleaning the oven is definitely one of those most dreaded of all deep cleaning tasks. I’ve just discovered this product called Universal Stone which e-cloth sells and it has totally changed my perspective on oven cleaning. I hate really strong, toxic chemicals so this is right up my alley. This product is 100% natural and safe and it can be used on any surface that needs a really, really good deep clean, more than you can manage to tackle with just your e-cloths and water alone. You just wet this special sponge that comes with the Universal Stone, rub it a few times across the stone, then start gently scrubbing your oven. You’ll see a ton of that baked on mess start to come up right away, which is pretty amazing for a non-toxic cleaner!

This Universal Stone is also perfect for my six minute method. You don’t need to worry about setting aside a whole day to clean your oven, you really can just work on a small section (like the glass on the door) for five minutes, rinse it off by wiping with an e-cloth and continue on with your day. No need to worry about what kind of crazy chemicals you’re leaving behind, like I do with traditional harsh chemical cleaners.

Washing windows seems to be another thing that we often feel like we need to set aside an entire day for, so it doesn’t end up getting done as often as it should. Who has time to lose a whole day to washing windows? I love using the e-cloth window genie on windows because you just need to spray the window with water, then wipe it down with the window genie for a totally smudge-free, streak-free clean. That’s it! This tool works really well inside and out and gets right up into hard-to reach corners and edges too. The fact that it cleans windows so efficiently and with so little fuss means that you can get to more windows in your 6 minute time frame! It’s also great for glass light fixtures!

When you’re putting together your deep clean planning list, you’ll also want to add thoroughly wiping down your walls, door and window trim, light switches and baseboards. When it comes to general dusting and wiping like that, I generally like to make a list that tackles these items in each room from the top of the room, down. While you’re on a roll, definitely make sure you use this time to declutter a few areas of your home that have been really bugging you because you can’t get a good deep clean with a bunch of junk in the way! Decluttering 6 minutes at a time is a magical thing too. 🙂

No matter what jobs you’re tackling around the house, always carry a glass and polishing cloth with you as you go about your speedy cleaning duties for that perfect final touch. This is truly the best, completely lint-free, grabs-on-to-any-smudge polishing cloth that I’ve ever used and I love it. It’s my secret weapon for making me feel like I’ve done a really beautiful job of cleaning my home, even if I’ve only worked on it for a few minutes.

I just did a thorough decluttering of my cleaning pantry area because I really don’t use a lot of my old cleaning tools and cloths anymore now that I have these e-cloths. This has definitely made the whole 6-minute-a-day deep cleaning process a whole lot more efficient!

How do you go about deep cleaning your home? Have you tried something similar to my 6-minute-a-day method?

Thanks so much to e-cloth for sponsoring this post! I was compensated for my time spent putting this post together, but all opinions, ideas, and suggestions are my own as always!


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Sunday 22 July 2018

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You May Not Even Realize You Have to Do

Home maintenance and ownership go hand in hand, so you’re no doubt aware that there’s plenty you should be doing (hello, gutter cleaning!). Sorry to lengthen your to-do list, but we thought you should know that there are actually a few more home maintenance tasks that may require your attention—and odds are you don’t even realize it.

Curious what you might be overlooking? Here are some home maintenance chores that might be flying under your radar—and why they’re important to cross off your list.

1. Clean your refrigerator drip pan

Did you know many refrigerators have drip pans? I did not. But as you can imagine from the name, it’s a thing you really should be cleaning once in a while.

Doug Rogers, president of Mr. Appliance, puts it this way: “Failing to clean the refrigerator drip pan will result in mold growth.” Yuck.

How to do it: To clean it, first you have to find it.

“Remove the kick panel at the bottom of your fridge, and trace the defrost drain line to the pan, which is where it empties out,” says Rogers. Use a flashlight if you need to.

“Be sure to gently pull the pan out as it may be full of water, and dump any excess liquid in the sink before cleaning with an all-purpose cleaner,” he says.

2. Flush the water heater

“Flush” the water heater? What does that even mean? Great question. According to Doyle James, president of Mr. Rooter plumbing, you need to remove the water sitting in your water heater to remove any sediment that may collect there.

“Sediment causes corrosion, reduces efficiency, and shortens your water heater’s life span,” James explains.

How to do it: First, turn off the electricity or gas to the heater. Open a bathroom hot water tap and let the hot water run for a few minutes to lower the temperature of the water in the heater. Then shut off the cold water valve at the top of the tank, and put a bucket under the water heater drain valve. Open the valve and drain the water until it runs clear, with no sandy stuff. Be careful, because the water can come out hot! When it’s clear, put everything back the way it was and you’re done until next time.

To keep your water heater running at its best, James advises setting the temperature no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Reseal your grout

When your tile was installed, whether it’s floor tile, bathroom surround tile, or countertop tile, the grout was sealed to protect it from wear and tear. But did you know that you’re supposed to reseal it every year? If you said no, you’re not alone.

“You have to reseal grout every year, and most people don’t,” says Debbie Gartner of The Flooring Girl blog.

The reason: Most grout is a mixture of sand and cement, which can absorb water, bacteria, and stains.

“A grout sealer protects your grout so it’s waterproof,” explains Gartner. Sealing will help your grout look better and last longer. The only exception is epoxy grout, which is generally used with glass tile.

How to do it: To reseal grout, apply grout sealant, wipe off any excess that gets on tiles, wait 15 minutes, apply a second coat, then clean the tiles again. Let it cure for 24 to 48 hours. After it cures, test it: Water should bead on top of the grout instead of being absorbed.

Here’s more on how to reseal grout.

4. Test for water leaks

Checking for water leaks around the home—even small, slow ones—will pay off big-time down the road. Why? It can help you save water (and money on your water bill); but more importantly, it will eliminate damage to your house done by water behind the walls or in other hard-to-see places.

How to do it: “Take a water meter reading and avoid using your water for a couple of hours. After two hours, if the reading changes, you have a leak,” James says.

If you have a leak, inspect the pipes of your water-using appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine for cracked, bulging, or damaged hoses. Leaky hoses are easy to replace yourself. If, however, the damage is more extensive, you can hire a plumber.

5. Reseal stone countertops

If you have granite or marble countertops, you should be sealing those babies every year, or possibly more often. The only exception is if you have a presealed countertop. In that case, you’re excused from this one. Not sure if you need to seal? Put some water on your countertop. The more quickly it is absorbed, the more porous your stone is, and the more frequently you should be sealing. That’s also a good test to see if your sealer has worn off: If the water doesn’t bead on the countertop, it’s time.

How to do it: Wash your countertop with mild soap and water, and wipe it dry. Apply a stone sealer, let it sit 15 minutes, then wipe away the extra.

Here’s more on how to reseal countertops.

6. Wash your dryer lint screen

You know that thing gets gross, right? You’re always scraping piles of lint, shredded tissues, and other weird substances off of it. But it can get clogged in less obvious ways, too. The residue from dryer sheets and fabric softener can start to build up on the screen, blocking the airflow. That can lead to less efficient drying and even fires.

How to do it: “Soak it in hot water and dishwashing soap designed to remove grease and oil,” says Rogers. “Gently scrub the screen with a soft brush, rinse it, and let it air-dry before reinserting it into the slot.”

It’s a small thing, but it’ll help extend the life of your dryer, reduce your energy bills, and keep your home safer.

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Saturday 21 July 2018

6 Home Maintenance Tasks You May Not Even Realize You Have to Do

Home maintenance and ownership go hand in hand, so you’re no doubt aware that there’s plenty you should be doing (hello, gutter cleaning!). Sorry to lengthen your to-do list, but we thought you should know that there are actually a few more home maintenance tasks that may require your attention—and odds are you don’t even realize it.

Curious what you might be overlooking? Here are some home maintenance chores that might be flying under your radar—and why they’re important to cross off your list.

1. Clean your refrigerator drip pan

Did you know many refrigerators have drip pans? I did not. But as you can imagine from the name, it’s a thing you really should be cleaning once in a while.

Doug Rogers, president of Mr. Appliance, puts it this way: “Failing to clean the refrigerator drip pan will result in mold growth.” Yuck.

How to do it: To clean it, first you have to find it.

“Remove the kick panel at the bottom of your fridge, and trace the defrost drain line to the pan, which is where it empties out,” says Rogers. Use a flashlight if you need to.

“Be sure to gently pull the pan out as it may be full of water, and dump any excess liquid in the sink before cleaning with an all-purpose cleaner,” he says.

2. Flush the water heater

“Flush” the water heater? What does that even mean? Great question. According to Doyle James, president of Mr. Rooter plumbing, you need to remove the water sitting in your water heater to remove any sediment that may collect there.

“Sediment causes corrosion, reduces efficiency, and shortens your water heater’s life span,” James explains.

How to do it: First, turn off the electricity or gas to the heater. Open a bathroom hot water tap and let the hot water run for a few minutes to lower the temperature of the water in the heater. Then shut off the cold water valve at the top of the tank, and put a bucket under the water heater drain valve. Open the valve and drain the water until it runs clear, with no sandy stuff. Be careful, because the water can come out hot! When it’s clear, put everything back the way it was and you’re done until next time.

To keep your water heater running at its best, James advises setting the temperature no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Reseal your grout

When your tile was installed, whether it’s floor tile, bathroom surround tile, or countertop tile, the grout was sealed to protect it from wear and tear. But did you know that you’re supposed to reseal it every year? If you said no, you’re not alone.

“You have to reseal grout every year, and most people don’t,” says Debbie Gartner of The Flooring Girl blog.

The reason: Most grout is a mixture of sand and cement, which can absorb water, bacteria, and stains.

“A grout sealer protects your grout so it’s waterproof,” explains Gartner. Sealing will help your grout look better and last longer. The only exception is epoxy grout, which is generally used with glass tile.

How to do it: To reseal grout, apply grout sealant, wipe off any excess that gets on tiles, wait 15 minutes, apply a second coat, then clean the tiles again. Let it cure for 24 to 48 hours. After it cures, test it: Water should bead on top of the grout instead of being absorbed.

Here’s more on how to reseal grout.

4. Test for water leaks

Checking for water leaks around the home—even small, slow ones—will pay off big-time down the road. Why? It can help you save water (and money on your water bill); but more importantly, it will eliminate damage to your house done by water behind the walls or in other hard-to-see places.

How to do it: “Take a water meter reading and avoid using your water for a couple of hours. After two hours, if the reading changes, you have a leak,” James says.

If you have a leak, inspect the pipes of your water-using appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine for cracked, bulging, or damaged hoses. Leaky hoses are easy to replace yourself. If, however, the damage is more extensive, you can hire a plumber.

5. Reseal stone countertops

If you have granite or marble countertops, you should be sealing those babies every year, or possibly more often. The only exception is if you have a presealed countertop. In that case, you’re excused from this one. Not sure if you need to seal? Put some water on your countertop. The more quickly it is absorbed, the more porous your stone is, and the more frequently you should be sealing. That’s also a good test to see if your sealer has worn off: If the water doesn’t bead on the countertop, it’s time.

How to do it: Wash your countertop with mild soap and water, and wipe it dry. Apply a stone sealer, let it sit 15 minutes, then wipe away the extra.

Here’s more on how to reseal countertops.

6. Wash your dryer lint screen

You know that thing gets gross, right? You’re always scraping piles of lint, shredded tissues, and other weird substances off of it. But it can get clogged in less obvious ways, too. The residue from dryer sheets and fabric softener can start to build up on the screen, blocking the airflow. That can lead to less efficient drying and even fires.

How to do it: “Soak it in hot water and dishwashing soap designed to remove grease and oil,” says Rogers. “Gently scrub the screen with a soft brush, rinse it, and let it air-dry before reinserting it into the slot.”

It’s a small thing, but it’ll help extend the life of your dryer, reduce your energy bills, and keep your home safer.

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Article source here: 6 Home Maintenance Tasks You May Not Even Realize You Have to Do

Sunday 15 July 2018

Cleaning Your Dirty Concrete Garage Floors


By Marty Ross

Cleaning your garage floor is one task that rarely makes it on your list of to-dos. However, without regular cleaning and maintenance, serious clutter and grime can build up leaving the garage in poor condition. Removing dirt, chemicals and unwanted stains will keep your garage floor from wearing away and safe for you and your family.


How to Remove Oil and Grease Stains from Concrete Garage Floors

Occasional oil or grease stains are inevitable in a garage. Cars, lawn mowers, and other outdoor power equipment may leak fluids. You may also spill a drop or two of oil when working with tools. It’s best to try and clean these spills right away to avoid slipping on fresh oil, tracking it into the house, or leaving a stubborn stain.
To clean a fresh spill, sprinkle cat litter or sawdust on oil or grease to absorb the liquid. Leave the litter or sawdust on the spill for about a day, then sweep it up and dispose of it properly.

Once you’re done sweeping, pour dry dish soap or laundry detergent onto the stain. Let it sit for 45 minutes. Next pour water on the area and scrub with a nylon-bristle brush, which will not scratch the surface of the concrete. Allow the soap to sit for 10-15 minutes and scrub again. After scrubbing, rinse with a power jet wand, diluting and directing the soapy water out of the garage.

Older stains are more difficult to remove. You can repeat the cleaning process several times, or buy a de-greasing product at a home- or builder’s-supply store. Even with these products, you may need to apply them and scrub several times to remove stubborn stains.

How to Remove Rust Stains from Concrete Garage Floors

Rust stains leave a telltale mark on concrete garage floors. Tools like screwdrivers, hammers or nails, will leave rusty spots if they sit too long on the garage floor, especially if they get wet. Wheel hubs, garden tools or metal buckets can also leave rust stains.

To remove these stubborn marks, squeeze a lemon or pour white vinegar on the stain and allow the liquid to sit for 10 minutes or so. Then scrub with a nylon-bristle brush and rinse the area with water. You may need to repeat the process several times for stubborn rust stains.

Another option is to make a thick paste using laundry detergent that contains baking soda. Mix water and detergent together and leave it on the rust stain for an hour. Be sure to continually keep the paste wet otherwise it will harden and become ineffective. Finally, scrub with a nylon-bristle brush and rinse with a hose.

How to Remove Paint from Concrete Garage Floors

Paint stains can be hard to remove. However, with a few simple steps, you should be able to get rid of them. First, use a putty knife to scrape off loose paint, then sweep the area around the stain.

Mix a solution of TSP and water, follow directions on the label and wear glove. Pour the solution on the stain and scrub it into the remaining paint. Rinse with water. Next, scrape any remaining bits of paint off the concrete floor and rinse again.

For tough paint stains, you may need a commercial paint stripper. This solution should stay on the stain for several hours before scraping or scrubbing the concrete. Wear gloves and make sure the garage is well ventilated.

Homemade Concrete Cleaning Solution

For regular cleaning, a solution of baking soda and water will loosen dirt and grease and help keep your garage floor clean. Mix a half-cup baking soda in a gallon of warm water and use it as an all-purpose cleaner.

You can also mix baking soda with a few drops of liquid soap, to make a paste, and use it to scrub light stains.

Don’t underestimate the power of warm, soapy water to keep your floors clean and remove minor stains. Mix about one-third cup powdered laundry detergent in a gallon of warm water, and scrub with a nylon-bristle brush. After cleaning your garage floor, always rinse with your power jet wand. The power jet wand is perfect for this job because the powerful stream will make rinsing quick and easy.

A garage is a hard-working room and spills are bound to occur. Put a little muscle into existing stains to clean them up, and take care of new spills without delay. Doing it a bit at a time makes it easy to keep your concrete garage floor clean.

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Article source here: Cleaning Your Dirty Concrete Garage Floors

How to Easily Kill 98% of All Mold in Your Home with Just One Ingredient


Tea tree oil is an essential oil that has been used for centuries by Aborigines. The oil is taken from the leaves of the melaleuca alternifolia, a plant native to Australia. Interestingly, you cannot find tea tree oil naturally occurring anywhere else.

The Aborigines would crush the leaves, then place them on a wound or burn, holding them in place with a mud pack. In the 1920s, Australian researchers discovered that tea tree oil is an antiseptic 100 times more effective than carbolic acid, a well-known germicide of the time. It’s antiseptic properties are unimaginable. Studies have found that Tea Tree Oil can effectively treat respiratory problems ranging from common sore throats, coughs and runny nose to asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis. It also possesses antibiotic properties that help treat skin infections, rashes, burns, dandruff and much more.

But you can also use tea tree oil to remove mold.  It disinfects and removes all types of germs and mold.

How To Remove Mold With Tea Tree Oil


  • Cloth


1. Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water and add it to a spray bottle.

2. Spray down moldy areas. Allow the mixture to sit, and then wipe away. It really works!


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Article source here: How to Easily Kill 98% of All Mold in Your Home with Just One Ingredient

Sunday 8 July 2018

Health Risks of Mold Allergies in Your Mount Laurel, NJ House & How to Get Rid of Mold Spores


Understanding mold can be your best ally if your home becomes overwhelmed with it. Ross Environmental Solutions would like to share some basic information when it comes to mold in an effort to help you avoid it or deal with the problem if mold spores are already present. Mold only needs 24 hours to take hold and thrive under the right factors. Moisture, darkness, temperature, food, and time are all mold needs. For example; for any water that has seeped under the baseboards after a minor flooding, humidity is created with warm temperatures. Dust particles, lint, and other forms of debris are all contributions to the food mold needs and the other elements such as darkness and time form the perfect living conditions for mold to flourish unseen. Winter provides perfect conditions for mold growth via moisture from snow, but contrary to popular belief, summer also provides ideal circumstances for mold via moisture from humidity. The season doesn’t matter, because moisture is the main factor mold needs for rapid growth!

Mold Allergy Problems

There are some health risks that come with mold interaction. Most cases of long term mold exposure exhibit symptoms. Especially those that suffer from mild to severe allergic reactions to mold can typically feel the effects early on, depending on the severity of the allergic sensitivity. Those who get asthma attacks, have respiratory issues, and a weak immune system is most susceptible to the negative impacts when it comes to mold.

Symptoms of Mold Allergies; Fatigue, Headache & More

For allergy sufferers or those feeling the effects of mold on their body, you could be experiencing the following symptoms:
– Coughing
– Eye irritation
– Nasal congestion
– Skin irritation or rash
– Fatigue
– Throat irritation
– Wheezing
– Headache

Mold Can Cause Property Damage

Mold isn’t only a potential threat to your health, but in conjunction with the right circumstances mold can infest homes quickly and silently destroying many of the materials it infests; breaking down the composition. Water damage is often a leading cause to mold. Even if the slightest bit of moisture is left behind, that combined with warmth, darkness and a food source, from dust for example, can grow mold. This mold will quickly consume the raw materials used to construct your home. Mold spores are easily introduced into the air and will cycle in your HVAC system depositing mold spores anywhere in the home, even in the ducts themselves. Mold spores will advance into evolving stages with the right combination of conditions. Mold can even be transported by people and pets. When a mold spore lands on a person or pet, which then takes root somewhere inside the home when it gets left behind, it can begin to grow in other places. If left untreated, soon your home can be overran with mold.

Mold from Leaks & Water Damage

If you had experienced water damage in your house, a professional is the most recommended course of action as they have the water extracting and drying equipment, as well as the expertise to properly and efficiently manage and contain the water. Many professionals are also equipped to handle the situation in the event mold does evolve. Mold doesn’t need a flood-like scenario catastrophe to take hold either. For example, mold has manifested in a bathroom due to improper ventilation for an extended period of time. To keep you and your loved ones safe from hazardous mold, ensure you are doing what you can to prevent it.

How to Prevent Mold from Growing on Walls, in Closets & Other Places

Helpful tips:
– In rooms such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, kitchens, and areas where humidity is easily surging, use the exhaust fans and all other means of ventilation.
– Get any leaky pipes and plumbing fixtures repaired as soon as possible.
– Properly use your air conditioning and dehumidifiers to maintain humidity levels; which should never reach over 50% in your home.
– Dry any water spills or condensation immediately.
– Mold dissolving products to clean bathrooms should be instituted.
– Add mold inhibitors to paint when painting your home’s interior.

Mold Removal & Remediation

If you have any mold issues creeping in your home or business, contact Ross Environmental Solutions and let our experts take care of the rest.


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Article source here: Health Risks of Mold Allergies in Your Mount Laurel, NJ House & How to Get Rid of Mold Spores

Saturday 7 July 2018

Locksmith Services in Westminster

When “just any locksmith’’ won’t do anymore, try the best! That means calling on our Westminster technicians from Locksmith Arvada CO! Yes, we are here in town now, offering the finest locksmith services and hardware to local Westminster residents. In fact, we also can provide our expertise to locals in Denver, Westminster, Loveland, Arvada, Highlands Ranch and Federal Heights!

Call Now: (720) 310-1706

So call us! Start enjoying affordable locksmith quality from fully certified professionals. Our home, auto and business locksmith assistance is available round the clock and our same day appointments offer convenience and great customer service. Even our hardware is the best, with famous names like:

  • Baldwin
  • Abloy
  • Kwikset
  • Marlock
  • Schlage
  • Master
  • Primus
  • Sentry
  • Yale
  • And many more!

No matter what locksmith service you need, our Westminster professionals offer it! Choose from:

Westminster Automotive Locksmiths

For best quality locksmith service for any make or model of car, truck, or SUV, call on our Westminster technicians from Locksmith Arvada CO. You really can save money and lots of stress by doing so! You might be struggling with a broken off key or a jammed trunk lock. Maybe you are locked out of your van or you possibly misplaced your ignition key. Whatever the reason, working with our responsive automotive locksmiths here in Westminster will always be your best bet!

  • Auto trunk opening
  • Automotive rekeys
  • Lock change outs
  • Mobile 24/7 locksmiths
  • Smart keys
  • High security sidewinder
  • Transponder key programming
  • Ignition cylinder replacement
  • 24-hour emergency locksmith service
  • Free locksmith price quotes
  • Keyless entry repair
  • Automotive lockouts

Call our locksmith shop now: (720) 310-1706

Emergency Locksmiths in Westminster

When you need an emergency locksmith here in Westminster, Colorado you don’t want to wait “forever” or pay too much. How do you avoid all that? Call the right locksmith; that’s how! The Westminster technicians from Locksmith Arvada CO always get to you quickly and charge a fair, honest and affordable rate. We can help with lockouts, lost keys, lock damage, broken off keys, jammed locks and so much more! Use our 24-hour services at home, at your business or for your car!

  • Break-in repairs
  • Emergency rekeys
  • Panic bar unlocking
  • Mobile 24-hour locksmiths
  • Free locksmith price quotes
  • Damaged lock repairs
  • Security upgrades
  • Ignition cylinder replacement
  • Stuck keys removed
  • Safe unlocking
  • Keyless entry repair

Residential Locksmith Service – Westminster, CO

How burglar proof is your Westminster home? Do you even know? One way to find out (free) is to call our residential locksmiths from our Westminster shop. We offer free locksmith consultations that are real eye openers! We also offer hundreds of locksmith products, services and security methods that can be used to make your residential life safer and more protected. 24-hour emergency assistance is also available and so are free price quotes!

  • Deadbolts installation
  • Eviction rekeys
  • Lock change outs
  • Mobile 24/7 locksmiths
  • Free locksmith consultations
  • Peephole installation
  • High security locks
  • Bump proof locks
  • Gun safes
  • Security doors and gates
  • Break-in repairs
  • Free locksmith price quotes

Westminster Commercial Locksmith

Your Westminster, Colorado business is not a hobby; it’s your livelihood and that of your staff, as well. It deserves the finest commercial locksmith care available. As a business owner, you don’t want to overspend, either. What’s the sensible solution? Work with our Westminster commercial locksmith pros and you can treat your firm to 24-hour, premium quality locksmith service that is both cost effective and cutting edge!

  • Safe unlocking
  • Fingerprint locks
  • Access control
  • Master key systems
  • Door closers
  • Fire and panic devices
  • 24-hour commercial lockouts
  • Mobile 24/7 locksmiths
  • Free locksmith price quotes
  • Keypad devices
  • CCTV
  • Cylinder locks

Call Now: (720) 310-1706

Take all the guesswork and fear out of having to work with a locksmith! Just give our helpful, 24-hour professionals a call and let us take it from there!

Article source here: Locksmith Services in Westminster