Saturday 30 June 2018

Protect Your Home While on Vacation


Better safe than sorry.

We do lots of planning, struggle, and legwork, research at the time of home buying or selling. But how much preparation we do for its safety. But most of us forget how to keep your property and belongings safer. Article specially intended for all those you are leaving home for long vacation or family function or for any celebration but without any preparation.

Read out our home safety checklist suggested by top realtors or how to Set Up strong security before you head out.

Hold your mail and newspapers.

Envelopes pouring out your mailboxes are dead giveaways that someone hasn’t been home for a while. It’s one of the common and easy things we forget and that make your home a sure target. Ask your trusted friend, family member, or neighbor to collect the paper and mail daily and to keep an eye out on your home while you aren’t home. If not possible then call your newspaper service to stop deliveries until you get back. And also contact your local post office to stop mail delivery before going on a long vacation.

Many states in USA have a feature to submit a stop email request service online; address and stop and start dates that’s what it needs.

Ask your friend or neighbor to keep eye on things

Give a spare key to your home to a trusted neighbor or friend so that they can keep an eye on things. Some people think it’s a smart idea to hide a spare key outside the home to access by a trusted person in an emergency situation. But really it’s not a smart deal.  To fool the burglar is not an easy thing. Best to cover your home is to ask your friend or trusted person to monitor your home. If asking your next door neighbor to check on your home is not possible or comfortable than a controllable lock may help you in an emergency situation. The controllable lock can be opened or closed using a dedicated app on your smartphone. So you can allow a trusted person to enter your house in a needy situation without giving the spare key.  A home monitoring system to access real-time home happenings is also a better option.  Although there is no alternate of trusted friend or neighbor as mail or newspaper is not being delivered is also a tell-tale sign that someone is not at home.

Don’t publicize while you’re on a vacation

Show some caution when you share your travel plan on social media or on your blog. Broadcasting your travel plan to the world through Instagram or Facebook can be risky. Through your social posts, checking in at the airport or your vacation destination can reach to the wrong ears and eyes so wait until you reach home.

Pull the plug out

Disconnecting the power to some of your electronics, like your desktop computer, refrigerator, television, coffee maker, and other small appliances can save your home from an electrical fire or power surge.

Turn off your garage door to keep away from the eye of experienced or motivated criminals from opening it by a universal remote. You can also opt for a manual lock.

Install programmable light

Leaving your lights on all the time or if the lights go off are not only cost effective but more likely to invite the wrong eyes. The programmable light switch is a better choice that turns on and off at certain times of the day and can also vary each day.

Keep Safe your Valuables

Get a small safe for your valuables such as jewelry, the deed to your home, wills, and any other valuables or sensitive documents.

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For further assistance in home securiy, click here for more:

Article source here: Protect Your Home While on Vacation

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